Saturday, 2 August 2014

A day in the city.

I love little days in the city. Today was totally unplanned and it was really a spur of the moment kind of thing, but I think they're the best. Cork is really a beautiful city. It's quite small, but if you can be kept busy for hours with all the shops and restaurants in side streets that are scattered all around the place.

Cork is only one of the 5 cities that Miami Ink opened a shop in, which is pretty cool. The store is called Love Hate, and it's owned by Ami James and the Miami Ink crew. It's really cool how, out of all the cities in the world, they pick Cork to open a store in. Not even Dublin! We went to have a look at the store at it's opening day. Ami was there but we didn't get a chance to see him sadly. The store looks amazing, and the design and interior of it is really amazing. I will definitely be going there for my first tattoo, hopefully some time this year.

We stumbled upon this small little restaurant in a small alleyway in the middle of Cork called 14a. It was very small but cosy at the same time. Inside there were lights dangling from the ceiling and candles scattered around the place. It was really nice and relaxing. I ordered the chicken goujans with salad and fries. It was very nice and extremely easy to eat. The salad was fresh and the fries were crunchy - what more could you want?

Thursday, 24 July 2014

River Island Haul!

So, today I decided to go to River Island to treat myself to some new clothes. I LOVE River Islands style of clothing and I don't go there as much as I would like to! It's definitely my favourite High Street Clothing store, but it's very expensive so I can't afford to go there all the time.

The store was very quiet at the time, so I had the mens section of the store all to myself. I hate it when stores are packed with people, as it makes me a bit claustrophobic so I was delighted when it wasn't.

I didn't buy all that much, only 2 sweaters, a jersey and some bracelets.

(please ignore the price tags I took these in the dressing room awkward).

Black Floral Jersey - €25

Grey Sweather - €20

Black Floral Sweather - €18 (Half Price Sale)

Black Bracelets - €10

Overall I'm very happy with my purchases today. I saved up a lot of my own money to finally buy some River Island clothes and I'm delighted with the result.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis concert at Marlay Park.

Even though it was a week ago today.

Me and 8 of my Friends decided to go to Macklemore who was preforming in Marlay Park, Dublin, on the 10th of July. We planned on staying the night in Dublin, and shopping before we came home the next day.

I was unbelievably excited the morning of the concert. I had his album 'The Heist' on repeat the whole morning and the whole bus up to Dublin (Which was 3 hours btw). Ellie Goulding was his opening act and she is an amazing artist, so that got me even more excited.

We got the 9am bus to Dublin, and we arrived at about 12pm, so we decided to get some Lunch. Dublin has some really nice restaurants, but naturally being teenagers, we wanted to go somewhere cheap that wasn't McDonalds. We decided to go to a lovely restaurant called TGI Fridays on Grafton Street in Dublin.
I got the Chicken Strips with chips and BBQ sauce, and I must say it was gorgeous and really cheap. Plus we got free refills, how unreal?

After lunch we made our way to the Hostel we were staying in, and started getting ready for the concert. I wore Black Jeans with a Black/Red floral T-Shirt worn with white shoes. (would not suggest wearing white shoes to concerts fyi)

The atmosphere at the concert was UNBELIEVABLE. About 37'000 people were at this concert and we were all equally excited. My friends and I were extremely lucky to be close to the stage. Ellie Goulding came on at 8pm and the crowd went crazy. She is such an amazing singer! She sang a good few songs from both her albums, but the stand out songs were Lights, Ritual, Figure 8, Burn, Starry Eyed and Anything Can Happen. She was phenomenal!

At around 9pm, Macklemore came on stage. The crowd was absolutely buzzing. He introduced himself and Ryan, and told the crowd how this was his biggest concert yet. He played all of his biggest songs, including Thrift Shop, Cant Hold Us, Same Love, Wing$,  And We Danced, Irish Celebration and Otherside. He was such a good preformer, and really worked the crowd. We were buzzing and it was a brilliant night.

 If Macklemore ever has a concert near you, GO TO IT.